death of Southern signals         
Two classic Southern signals (MP 297.5) are turned away from the tracks and will be removed very soon, as their successors have already been cut in. Signal replacement on the east end of Memphis District is progressing quickly; get those Southern signals while you can.
Date: 2/10/2008 Location: Scottsboro, AL   Map Show Scottsboro on a rail map Views: 553 Collection Of:   John Higginson
Author:  John Higginson
death of Southern signals
Picture Categories: Signal This picture is part of album:  In the Heart of Dixie - John Higginson 2008
User Comments
Name Type Comments Date
Sean Kolker General I appreciate progress. However these new hooded signals,especially these with the huge backs are hidious. I miss the GRS signals on BN. I know NS had some similar to theirs. 2/28/2008 4:47:14 PM
Tim Huemmer General Are they simply replacing the ABS signals here or are they installing CTC? 2/28/2008 9:33:02 PM
Eric Burris General i'm wanting the answer to the second comment. and those signals are weird with the big signal house built onto them. The whole thing looks like an eyesore. and what's the bottom single light signal for on the new one? 7/23/2008 5:47:26 AM
Steve E General I see no difference except for the hood around the lenses as both are tri-lights 8/24/2008 5:21:57 PM

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