With three, and at times as many as five customers, The Hill Track could quite a chunk of time to switch. To switch customers and classify cars to and from those customers could tie up both the main and the House Track. The cars on the main are south cars destined for Manchester and beyond while the cars on the House Track are north cars destined for Birmingham and beyond. When switching is complete, the cars will be coupled in one long cut, pulled by the north end signal at Lineville and backed down the siding to the outside track. The cars will then be shoved into the Outside Track (on the other side of the NP box) with the south cars coming to rest across from the front door of the depot. The north cars will be uncoupled and pulled to the north of the outside track (about 60 car lengths from the depot) in a ritual that would be repeated daily. |
11/16/1974 |
Lineville, AL Map  |
1496 |
Collection Of:

Bernie Feltman |
Locomotives: Rolling Stock: |
Author: Bernie Feltman
Picture Categories: RollingStock,Yard,Action |
This picture is part of album: SCL (Black/Yellow) Alabama/Florida Action Photos |