Here is a photo that was published originally in the June 1947 issue of "Trains" magazine, page 61. Photo Caption: "The Paoli Local [February Trains] was not always electrified. In its earliest days, it was drawn by horsepower, then, for more than half a century, by steam. Although the 'Main Line' was four-track in 1908, as it is now, some changes other than electrification have taken place since that year, when this photograph of the station at St. Davids was taken. Lower-quadrant semaphore signals have given way to color-light signals, station platforms have been lengthened, and the water tower in the background is no longer needed. The schedule has been speeded up by nine minutes between Philadelphia and St. Davids. Now M.U. cars have replaced the Class E-2a 4-4-2 shown in the photograph, which is from the collection of George B. Ritz, 1351 Fillmore Street, Philadelphia." |