New and existing signals at Reid         
Signals for the soon to be reconfigured control point at Reid are installed and turned sideways. Track One (left) will be the diverging route through the new turnout after the equilateral turnout is replaced.
Date: 10/16/2006 Location: Salisbury, NC   Map Show Salisbury on a rail map Views: 284 Collection Of:   Marcus Neubacher
Author:  Marcus Neubacher
New and existing signals at Reid
Picture Categories: This picture is part of album:  KNTower's NS Piedmont Division
User Comments
Name Type Comments Date
Mike Brotzman General Why are they replacing an equalateral turnout with the regular kind? Aren't equalaterals better? 10/18/2006 11:40:49 PM
Joseph Bundy General The regular kind will allow trains to maintain track speed through the straight side of the turnout. This is particularly important for passenger trains, which will be allowed to run 79 mph through the straight side, instead of slowing down to 50 mph through the current equilateral switches. All the equilateral switches from Cox (in Greensboro) to Junker (north of Charlotte) are being replaced. 11/25/2006 11:45:21 PM

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